The purpose of these meetings is to enable Parents/Guardians to discuss their daughter’s progress in school with Teachers. Matters appropriate to such discussions may include:
- Your daughter’s behaviour, participation, punctuality and attendance
- Any specific learning difficulties
- Student motivation
- Completion of homework
- Level of academic attainment
The Parent Teacher Meeting aims to provide the Teacher with any relevant background information that might affect the student’s learning and performance, and so to improve the quality of her general development.
Parents/Guardians are reminded that the teaching staff has their daughter’s best interests at heart, and that advice offered is for the student’s own good. It is the positive working relationships between Teacher and Parent that enables students to achieve their full potential.
Kindly review exam reports on VSware to ensure you are well informed for the upcoming meeting.
- Meetings runs from 3:35pm – 6:05pm. (Doors open at 3:20pm. Meetings start at 3.35pm. Doors close at 5:35pm)
- Meetings takes place in the Hall and Library - additional rooms may be used but this will be signposted.
- Meetings should be conducted in a mutually respectful and supportive manner.
- Consultation must be confined to the area of responsibility of the particular Teacher.
- Matters relating to school policy should be referred to the Principal/Deputy Principals.
- To facilitate Teacher contact with all Parents/Guardians it is necessary to confine discussions with each teacher to a maximum of 3 minutes.
- Please allow adequate time to meet all the teachers. Doors will close at 5:35pm. This ensures that Parents/Guardians have enough time to see the Teachers. Arriving late may jeopardise your chance of meeting all the Teachers you hope to meet.
- If there is need for further discussion time with an individual Teacher or the Year Head, this can be arranged at a future date by contacting Reception and arranging an appointment.
- Please sign in on arrival and sign out on departure.
- Dates of Meetings are communicated via the school calendar in hard copy format, which Parents/Guardians receive at the beginning of the school year. These meetings are also available to view on our school website and school App in the Calendar section. Reminders are posted on our social media channels also.
- Please inform the school in advance if you are unable to attend the meeting.
Extra parking is available in the school tennis courts beside the hockey pitch for this event. This can be accessed through the black gates beside the Staff car park exit. We look forward to seeing you.