St Wolstan's has a rich tradition for debating, in English, Irish and Spanish. Following on from the tradition set by Ms Monica McDonald in the 1980s, many other dedicated teachers have continued to encourage this great art form ..through different languages, but with one aim: to create confident, articulate and informed debaters.
Pictured are this year's Spanish debating team of Siobhán Boyle, Emily Byrne, Ruth Dwyer, Emer O'Brien and Michelle O'Dwyer, with support from Hannah Byrne, Sarah Cahill, Rebecca Carroll, Sophie Farrell, Amy Hanlon, Caoimhe Kelly, Niamh McInerney and Aideen Stack. Our Spanish debating team are in the midst of this year's competitions, as part of the Dublin-based debating league organised by the Association of Teachers of Spanish. The motions so far debated include 'La tecnología nos hace más estúpidos' and 'Es demasiado tarde para salvar el planeta' ..... We lost the first and won the second and, in both debates, Siobhán Boyle won 'Mejor Oradora' (best speaker). Well done to all.
Photos are also included from last year's debates: pictured are former students Kelsey Brennan and Roisin Carr, with current 6th years Sarah Lucas and Michelle O'Dwyer.
Beidh Pobalscoil Naomh Wolstan ag glacadh páirt i nDíospóireachtaí an Phiarsaigh arís i mbliana. Is deis iontach í an díospóireacht chun an Ghaeilge a fheabhsú. Táimid ag tnúth go mór leis na díospóireachtaí bríomhara