St. Wolstan's Community School has engaged in School Development Planning since 1997. The school development planning process has since evolved into the School Self Evaluation process.
Each year the school will identify areas for review and development. A School Self-Evaluation Report (SSER) will be published to outline the review process and a School Improvement Plan (SIP) will also be published identifying strategies for improvement in certain areas. The process includes consultation with staff, students and parents/guardians and reports are approved by the Board of Management prior to publication. This structure recommended by the Department of Education provides a structure through which the school continues to focus on improving the high quality of educational experience provided to students.
Please click on the link below to access School Self Evaluation Report 2022:
St. Wolstan's School-Self-Evaluation-Report-August-2022.pdf
Please click on the link below to access School Self Evaluation Report 2023 and School Improvement Plan 2023/2024:
St. Wolstans C.S._SSER_SIP_August 2023_2024.pdf