St. Wolstan's Community School
The traffic circulation/parking provision for St. Wolstan's is far from ideal, with congestion and delays inevitable and the risk of accidents. However, if the following guidelines are followed, the possibility of accidents will be reduced and delays and inconvenience kept to a minimum.
Morning Drop Offs
- Please drop your daughter(s) off at the “set down” area, which is the bus-bay beyond the entrance/exit to the staff car park. DO NOT obstruct the entrance to the car park by parking in or immediately adjacent to the gateway.
- Continue on to the roundabout to turn around, NO u-turns please on the roadway, as this adds to the congestion and back ups on the main road.
- Please DO NOT drop off passengers on the main road opposite the school. This practice is extremely hazardous for students and other road users.
- Please do not drop your daughter off on the main road at the entrance to the access road to the two schools.
Evening Collections
1. Please park on the side road opposite the staff car park.
- Please leave the bus-bay free for buses.
- In the interest of everybody’s safety, please DO NOT park on the main road opposite the school. This is a very dangerous practice, which puts lives at risk daily.
- Have regard for others at all times and exercise care, courtesy and consideration. It makes it easier for everyone if cars move forward as spaces become available.
- Consider pooling with neighbours to reduce congestion and save fuel.
Please note that this Parking Code has been endorsed by the Parents’ Association, the Staff and the Board of Management of St. Wolstan’s Community School.