The Pastoral Care Team comprises the Principal, Deputy Principal, Year Heads, S.P.H.E. co-ordinator, Tutors, Guidance Counsellors and Chaplain. Each class has a class tutor and each year has a year head. Each class in First, Second and Third year has an S.P.H.E. (Social Personal Health Education) class once a week. The S.P.H.E. programme includes modules on substance abuse/ prevent on, relationships, care and respect for personal and school property, general health and safety, study skills, attendance, classroom behaviour and other issues.

Guidance Counselling

Guidance plays a pivotal role in the life of the school community and in the pastoral care of all of our students.

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The School Chaplain

The Chaplain is involved for the Pastoral, Spiritual and Personal Care of staff and students at St. Wolstan’s Community School. Support is given to staff and students who are free to call into the Chaplain’s Office at any time to have a chat or make an appointment. The role of the Chaplain is rooted very much in the gospel story of the Road to Emmaus, the accompaniment story for all Christians. Like Jesus, the Chaplain meets people in their present situation, walks with them, acknowledges their fears/needs/hopes and supports them in their spiritual development. The Chaplain is available to students of all denominations and none.

Celebrations are a big part of life in our community and the Chaplain is involved in many services and masses that will mark your daughter's time here at St. Wolstan’s. We also have a meditation room which provides a place of contemplation, reflection and relaxation for our staff and students.