3rd Year Mock Timetable 2025 & Information


On Thursday 6th February most 3rd Years will be in class as normal. The exceptions are:
  • Art students will go to their Art room at 11.20am for project work
  • Music students will go to room 30 at 1.20pm for their exam which will start at 1.50pm

All other students will be in class as normal.

  • Lunch for the whole school will be 12.40pm to 1.20pm from Friday 7th February.

On Friday 7th February all 3rd Years will go to the Hall at 8.55am for registration. Your Tutors will meet you there. The first exam will start at 9.05am and will end at Break time 11.05.

  • After Break there will be a study session until 12.40pm lunch.
  • The second exam will start at 1.20pm and will end at 3.20.

On Monday 10th the Irish exam will be held upstairs. Go to rooms 28,29,30,31,32 for 8.55am registration and the exam will start at 9.05am. You will remain in those rooms for the study session.

  • You will return to the Hall for the second exam, starting at 1.20pm.

On Wednesday 12th February the French & Spanish exams will also be held upstairs. Go to the rooms for 8.55am registration. There will be a study session and the exam will start at 10.00 am. After the exam you can go home.

  • All other exams will be held in the Hall. Extra centre for Third years is Room 38.

Remember to check the timetable for exams which require calculators, maths sets, pencils etc. These will not be provided for you. Log tables will be provided. SEC rules apply so you will not be allowed to have books papers, notes, or a mobile phone with you during the exam.

  • Your Year Head, Counsellors and teachers are around if you need support.
  • Make sure you get enough rest and eat healthily during exams.
Good Luck! 🍀

6th Year Mock Timetable 2025 & Information


6th Years:

  • Please look at it carefully so that you know where to go for each exam.
  • The exams will be held upstairs, in rooms 28,29,30,31,32 with the exceptions of Mon 10th Maths paper 1 which will be in the Hall and Wednesday 12th Irish Paper 2 which will also be in the Hall. On Monday 10th, please stay in the Hall for Lunch before moving back to the rooms.
  • Please go to the room set for your class at 8.55 am for registration. Ibsen 28, Lorca 29 Marlowe 30 Moliere 31. The extra centre for Sixth years will be the Library
  • Due to the length of the exam papers, there will be no break and lunch will be at a different time each day so check the timetable carefully. This may mean that you will not be able to use the canteen. Make sure you have food and drinks with you. Lunch for the whole school will be 12.40pm to 1.20pm from Friday 7th February.
  • Despite these efforts, some exams end after the usual closing time of the school. If you need transport from school, make sure to check these times and make suitable arrangements.
  • Study places will be available for those who are not sitting a particular subject.
  • Remember to check the timetable for exams which require calculators, maths sets, pencils etc. These will not be provided for you. Log tables will be provided. SEC rules apply so you will not be allowed to have books papers, notes, or a mobile phone with you during the exam.
  • Remember to make sure you sleep and eat well over the period of the exams. Your Year Head, counsellors and teachers will be around if you need support.

Good Luck! 🍀




JC 2025 Schedule of Exams Image.JPG

JC 2025 June Timetable Image.JPG


LC 2025 Schedule of Exam Dates Image.JPG

LC 2025 June Timetable Image.JPG

In-house exam rules and guidelines 2024/2025

  1. Get a good night's sleep before and eat a healthy, filling breakfast on the morning of each exam.
  2. Please check the time and location of all exams carefully.
  • Arrive at the exam centre at least 5 minutes before each exam/study session begins for registration.
  • A student arriving late must wait silently outside the exam centre - once the Supervisor has distributed all of the exam papers, she will be permitted entry. No additional time will be given to anyone arriving late.
  1. Mobile phones and smart watches are not permitted in the exam centre. This is in line with the State Exams Commission’s rule for State Examinations. Any breach of this rule will result in cancellation of the student’s exam and the school’s disciplinary process will be applied.
  2. Students must be in full school uniform for the duration of the exams.
  3. Study – there are study periods built into your exam timetable. Bring all materials needed to study – you will not have permission to go to lockers at this time. You may bring your own device for study purposes only – no borrowing of school laptops from lab cabs for this examination period.
  4. Go to the toilet before the exam. Only in exceptional circumstances should a student ask to leave the exam centre – a toilet break must be recorded on student script with time of exit and return plus teacher initial.
  5. Bags must be left outside exam centres during exam sessions – they may be used during study periods for accessing study materials. Leave valuables locked in your locker.
  6. No eating is permitted during exams.* All exam centres must be clean and suitable for exams to continue.
  7. Answer booklets, graph paper and log tables are provided. Each student must equip herself with the following: pencils, pens, erasers, ruler and mathematical instruments. No borrowing of items during exams is permitted.
  8. Spend the first few minutes of the exam reading through the paper carefully.
  9. Listen to all the instructions and corrections given at the beginning of each exam. Subsequent questions disturb other students.
  10. It is absolutely forbidden to talk to or communicate with another student during the exam. A student’s exam paper may be cancelled if this rule is breached.
  1. If a student is found with evidence of cheating, her exam paper will be cancelled and the school’s disciplinary process will be applied.
  2. Each student must put her full name, class and subject teacher’s name on each answer booklet and on any extra sheets of paper used.
  3. Watch the clock and allow enough time for each question to be answered.
  4. In the final 10 minutes of each exam:
  • Re-check the total number of sections/questions to be answered
  • Re-check the compulsory questions
  • Re-read each question and check your answer – Best of luck!

*Medical condition exempt.