TRANSITION YEAR 2024/2025 - ONLINE Parent/Teacher Meeting 4th March 2025 3.35pm - 6.05pm
Information Letters released to TY students 4th February 2025 in school contain the instructions and access information for the online TY parent teacher meeting, which will be via the Microsoft Teams platform. It is important that you retain the information, unique student PIN, and follow the instructions in order to register for this event.
Click here to access the parent/teacher meeting organiser to schedule your meetings with TY teachers and Guidance Counsellors:
When you visit the Parent Teacher Meeting Scheduler you should:
- Enter your unique Student ID/PIN - on the letter received or on your Parent VSware App. You cannot access the system without this.
- Select the teachers you wish to speak with on Tuesday 4th March 2025 from 3.35pm – 6.05pm in order of preference as they will have a maximum number of parents/guardians that they can meet
- Click 'Save Preferences' before leaving the webpage (see attached images and directions for more support)
The closing date for entering your preferences is 11pm TUESDAY 25TH FEBRUARY 2025. Please note that appointments cannot be scheduled to see any teachers after this date. We will contact you again via email advising you that you can view your scheduled appointment times for Tuesday 4th March 2025 from 3.35pm – 6.05pm
IMPORTANT: The meeting will take place on Microsoft Teams - please ensure you have Microsoft Teams downloaded on the device you will be using to attend the meeting. You must access the meeting with your daughter’s Microsoft school email address and her password. Your daughter must give you her email address and password well in advance of this meeting. We advise you to practice logging onto Microsoft Teams with her email address/login and password prior to the Transition Year Parent Teacher Meeting. If your daughter has a difficulty giving you this information, contact us before Wednesday 26th February 2025.
You will receive a Microsoft Teams Video Call from the teacher at the specified time e.g. Ms. Leonard @ 3.40pm. Please be logged in and available at the appointment times you receive next week. Teachers must stick the schedule to accommodate appointments requested and therefore if you are delayed you may not get to speak to that teacher.
Each meeting will last 5 minutes. Transition Year students are invited to attend the online meeting with their parent/guardian if they wish. Please remember it is unlikely that you will get to see all teachers due to the set time available for staff meetings and the number of class groups that a teacher may have. If you require a discussion about a serious or personal matter, a parent teacher meeting is not a suitable forum for this and we advise you to make a separate appointment for this matter. As appointment slots are limited we ask that you let the school know as soon as possible if you schedule meetings but are unable to attend. This is very important as it means that the appointment slots can be offered to otherparents/guardians. If you have any questions or difficulties, please contact the school via email.

TRANSITION YEAR at St. Wolstan's Community School:
Mission Statement
Transition Year is an integral and compulsory programme in the curriculum of St Wolstan’s Community School. Our mission embodies the mission statement of the school as a whole: ‘To create a community of excellence in second level education where each person is given the opportunity to reach their own full potential.’
Transition Year provides a bridge to enable students to make the transition from Junior to Senior Cycle. It encourages academic, personal and social development and recognises the need for students to grow in independence and agency as they approach key decision-making years. The St. Wolstan’s Community School TY programme was developed in consultation with all stakeholders at the school and is open to annual review on an ongoing basis.
Transition Year offers learners an opportunity to mature and develop without the pressure of an examination. It also provides an opportunity for learners to reflect on, and develop an appreciation of, the value of learning in preparing them for the ever-changing demands of the adult world of work, further and higher education and relationships. (NCCA Guidelines)
The aims of the Transition Year Programme reflect those specific to the guidelines published by the Department of Education, namely:
1. Education for maturity with the emphasis on personal development including social awareness and increased social competence.
2. The promotion of general, technical and academic skills with the emphasis on interdisciplinary and self-directed learning.
3. Education through experience of adult and working life as a basis for personal development and career imagining and planning.
All 3rd Years students may apply for a place in Transition Year by completing an application form in January of that year prior to entry.
TY 2025 - 2026:
The deadline for TY Application by current 3rd Year students has now passed. Parents and Guardians must check their email for communication from Ms. L. Geraghty about acceptance and TY fee pament schedule.
Please click here to access the full presentation applicable to current 3rd Year Students: 3rd Year Jan 2025 Presentation on TY and Junior Cycle.pdf
Link to Transition Year Admissions Policy: TY Policy
Some of the key moments from the current 3rd Year Information Event held:

TY 2024 - 2025:
3rd Year Students, Parents & Guardians. Thank you for joining us for the TY 2024/2025 Webinar Wednesday 17th January 2024. Please click on this link to access the presentation information: Transition Year Information Event 2024_2025.pdf
TY Work Experience and Garda Vetting :
Transition Year Work Experience Policy.pdf
Insurance Confirmation Statement for CC schools.pdf
Examples of Placements.pdf
Sample letter.pdf
Sample TY CV.pdf
NVB3ParentGuardianConsentForm1 (1).pdf
NVB 1 Form for TY.pdf
TY Work Experience Employer Booklet:
For a copy of the Employer Booklet for Work Experience 1 Monday 18th to Friday 22nd November 2024 please click on the link below:
Employers Booklet Week 1.pdf
For a copy of the Employer Booklet for Work Experience 2 Monday 10th February to Friday 14th February 2025 please click on the link below:
Employers Booklet Week 2.pdf
For a copy of the Employer Booklet for Work Experience 3 Monday 26th to Friday 30th May 2025 please click on the link below: